We frequently wish the current years away by pining for the past ones. Awwww.... I miss that baby face, that toothless grin, those tiny toes. Yes, that was awesome. But you know what? Watching him learn to walk and talk was amazing! And the terrific twos? Wow what fun we had! And now he is 3.
"Time flies," people say. I do not wish away this current moment. I do not want to go back. I want to see what is next, what he's learning now, what he comes home to tell me about..... because I just don't know how much I'll get to see. And to be honest, neither do you.
Enjoy the homework fights in elementary school and the hot summer days of sports. Embrace the tumultuous preteen years when they come, because there are many who don't get to see them. Watch that sultry teenager with pride, knowing that you are getting to watch identity formation in action. You can still look back fondly on the past, but don't wish away the present because you do not know what the future will hold.
Babies don't keep, but neither do toddlers, or threenagers, or school age, or preteens, or teenagers, or young adults. Enjoy it all, while you can.