Monday, November 17, 2008


The day after the mammogram, Cody and I went to Dr. Purohit to find out what she thought we should do. She recommended a biopsy before surgery. That way, if it is cancer, they will know to remove more tissue. She scheduled my biopsy, but they only do them once a week, so I had to wait another week for it. She asked if I would like some anti-anxiety meds to help keep me calm and help me be able to sleep, and Cody quickly answered yes. So we filled my script, and went off to the Stone Temple Pilots concert. We had a great time; the first of many great times that we are trying to cram in before something worse happens. The concert was awesome, we had 4th row seats. I'll post pictures at some point. The day after the concert was Halloween, and we had a good time staying home and handing out candy. At this point, we were still thinking we could have a baby soon, so it was fun to see all the kiddies. Day after Halloween was the Auburn/Ole Miss game. Ole Miss won, 17-7, it was SUPER AWESOME! We went bar hopping on the square to celebrate. Ate some great food, drank some drinks, etc. Lots to distract us from what's coming.

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