Monday, March 13, 2017


Imagine if you woke up one morning, everything else was the same, but your age in years was 30 years older than it should be. How would you feel? You're not nursing home old age yet but you don't have quite as far to that as you did yesterday. Yes, you might live to be 100 but that's unlikely, so instead of 40-50 more good years you've got 10-20. You don't know when you'll go of course, but that timeline is closer than it was. It's sort of a big shift.....that's kind of what a stage 4 diagnosis feels like. Yes, I might outlive statistics and predictions, just like anyone could live to be 103. But the shift of what's probable changes drastically; that's what hits you in the gut. I'm not saying any of this to be pessimistic, or even just's just an analogy that I figured out and thought I'd share.

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