When I was in the reconstruction phase of breast cancer stuff (after chemo, radiation, mastectomy), I was in a good friend's wedding. At the rehearsal, I walked with a groomsman who I noticed had a pink bracelet on his wrist. He showed it to me, it said simply Fuck Cancer. He told me they had them specially made for his girlfriend, who just had her first chemo for breast cancer. That girl's name is Candice. She and I talked the whole time at the rehearsal dinner. I told her all about what to expect and how to have fun anyway. When you first get diagnosed, there's a lot of anger towards the disease and other things. The anger keeps you going. Then you get remission and there's both peace and anxiety. Then, for Candice, it came back. But this chick was TOUGH. She was Air Force. Major Candice actually. I can't stop the tears thinking about her too short life. It came back in her brain at one point. She rocked the bald look like no one ever could. That boyfriend that I was in the wedding with? They got married. A surrogate gifted them with 2 beautiful boys. Candice got to celebrate their first birthday and then some. She blogged by writing letters to cancer. And while the anger was probably still there, I feel like it became different after the recurrence. She would sign her letters Pink Kisses. I feel like that was a combination of Cancer can kiss my ass plus a quiet acceptance of "it is what it is." I feel like you have to move from anger to grace in order to deal with stage 4. I feel like Pink Kisses is the right thing to do. I can't write anymore about her right now but will share some pictures and stories of her.

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