Thursday, June 29, 2017

It's not all Pretty In Pink

Tonight, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, even though I just started my 3rd Ibrance (chemo pill) cycle after a week off, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, even though I have all my hair, I threw up, a lot, it was gross, messy....I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, as I worried about what the future may hold, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, as I lamented about how tired I've been and am, as my pimples and mouth sores are few, I know I'm luckier than many cancer patients.

Tonight, even as a stage 4 mets girl, it's okay that I'm a cancer patient.

Tonight, I'm at home in my own bed, with my amazing son and hubby, who love me as a cancer patient.

Tonight, as my stomach churns and I anticipate my daily digestive issues, I'm a surviving cancer patient.

Tonight, I think of how amazing my support system is, fighting with team Jenn, having cancer patience.

Tomorrow.......I'll go back to just being a cancer survivor.


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