Friday, October 21, 2011

As the Stomach Turns

Some of this may be TMI, but I'll try to keep it toned down.

For the past month or so, I've had random bouts of nausea, vomiting (only about 5 times total), and diarrhea (that's the TMI part, but I'll leave out the graphic detail). Since it was random at first, and since I've always had a nervous stomach, and since diarrhea is more familiar after my gallbladder removal, I didn't worry too much about it. Now though it has become more frequent and coupled with immense fatigue. Again, fatigue is no stranger to me, but napping in the middle of the day after having had a full 9 hours of sleep the night before is. Went to a doc Sunday, she said my blood work was fine, I probably have the stomach flu. Prescriptions: anti-diarrhea, anti-nausea, and anti-biotics. Stomach flu doesn't usually last a month, but we'll see.

Meanwhile, I've developed a tenderness/pain in my rib area on my cancer (left) side. At first, I thought I was feeling a lump, but doc said it felt more like a swelling. Yesterday, went to my cancer doc to see what he thinks. He said, doesn't really feel like a mass. Possible issues in that area are ribs, stomach, and lower lung. Blood work was still fine, liver enzymes good. So, he scheduled me for a PET scan Monday. I haven't had a scan in a long time, so I'm sort of glad for it. Depending on what the scan shows, he may order a bone scan, or may send me to a stomach doctor.

Told my boss all this today and he said, don't you panic? I said, not anymore than usual! I worry daily, but my anti-depressants keep it from getting out of control. My cancer doc didn't seem overly concerned, so why should I? I think every little ache and pain is cancer related, so this isn't really anything new, lol. Cody on the other hand is a bit stressed about it.

I made it to work today, mild nausea but bearable. The rib-area pain is pretty annoying today though. Who ever sits around on a Friday wishing it were Monday?