Thursday, June 29, 2017

It's not all Pretty In Pink

Tonight, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, even though I just started my 3rd Ibrance (chemo pill) cycle after a week off, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, even though I have all my hair, I threw up, a lot, it was gross, messy....I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, as I worried about what the future may hold, I felt like a cancer patient.

Tonight, as I lamented about how tired I've been and am, as my pimples and mouth sores are few, I know I'm luckier than many cancer patients.

Tonight, even as a stage 4 mets girl, it's okay that I'm a cancer patient.

Tonight, I'm at home in my own bed, with my amazing son and hubby, who love me as a cancer patient.

Tonight, as my stomach churns and I anticipate my daily digestive issues, I'm a surviving cancer patient.

Tonight, I think of how amazing my support system is, fighting with team Jenn, having cancer patience.

Tomorrow.......I'll go back to just being a cancer survivor.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Don't blink

In the blink of an eye, it all could change.
 Before you know it, nothing's the same.
 This life is short, that much we know.
 But do we really understand? And so
 we trudge forward, searching for better,
 Not realizing this isn't forever.
 The bad, the good, nothing is fixed;
 Our time with ambivalence is mixed.
 I watch my chest both rise and fall,
 Hoping that I've given my all
 and made this world happy, at least
 made some impression before life ceased.
 While my time is ticking, what will I do?
 This fate is ours: him, her, me, and you.
 Immersed in every moment, taking it all in;
 That's the key! The secret within.
 Feel every feeling, sing every song,
 Remember the love, peacefully belong.
 My wish is not just for me to make my mark,
 But also for you to lighten the dark.
 Before I know it, nothing's the same.
 In the blink of an eye, the whole world can change.