Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chemo (part 4 of 8) Halfway there!

Had my chemo thursday, the last of the Adriomyacin and Cytoxin.  Next 4 chemos will be of Taxol, and the doc said it is much less likely to cause nausea.  Keeping my fingers crossed!  I'm having hot flashes, which doc says is normal, possibly chemo-induced menopause.  Period may stop or at least be irregular the rest of the time.  Weird.  I met with the genetic counselor at chemo thursday, and he thinks there's about a 15-20% chance of a genetic mutation so they took extra blood to test.  I'll know in about a month about that.  My tumor has shrunk to almost HALF its original size.  So the chemo is definitely working!  :)  It may shrink a little bit more, but not much, as the Taxol is not likely to shrink it.  Got a script for Percocet for the pain that follows the shot, hopefully that will help.  I also found out I won't have to have the shot after my last chemo, so only 3 more shots!  Pretty good news all around.  I'll post some wig pictures maybe later today or tomorrow.  I need a pink one, lol.  I'm enjoying the blonde one though.  :)  Here I am playing Sinead with less hair, scratchy sound though cause it's my first video using my built-in webcam.