Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Well the title pretty much says it all. I knew this would be rough but I'm still sick of it already. I've been nauseated mildly but constantly since my last chemo. I threw up yesterday. The pain after my Neulasta shot was excruciating this time. I have a terrible taste in my mouth all the time. I'm too tired to feel like doing anything. I can barely do laundry much less anything else. Yes, I'm whining, so what. The worst part is it's only a few more days till chemo again. I usually feel good for almost a week before chemo. Not this time. Sucks. Thursday will be my 4th chemo. It will be the last of the Adriomyacin and Cytoxin. The last 4 treatments will be of Taxol. Hopefully that drug will be less annoying. Who knows. I should be working on my online class that I'm teaching, or something, but anything more than laying here watching tv is exhausting. Hell, even typing this makes me tired. Fuck cancer.


Cancer Baby, Cancer Mama said...

Personally, for me, the taxol or whatever it is was a lot easier to handle than the A/C combo, so here's to hoping it's the same for you. Oh, and you're allowed to whine all you want :-)

Anonymous said...

I hope things start getting better for you soon. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. I am only a phone call away. I am sorry that things are so bad for you right now. And...I agree, you definitely have the right to whine about anything you want! ;) Take care!!

Karen said...

I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I really hope that this next chemo drug is a little easier for you. Don't worry about complaining. You can whine and vent whenever you want.

I still have a package for you that I am really going to get in the mail for you this week. I promise. ;)