Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chemo (part 2 of 8)

Second chemo was December 15th (Monday). During my visit with the nurse practitioner, I told her every tiny symptom I had the first time (heartburn, nausea, restlessness, etc.). She gave me lots of new meds to try. As with the first round, I was mildly nauseated the first couple of days, and in major pain from the Neulasta days 3 and 4. I was extra nauseated this time though, from Wednesday through Sunday. Thus, the new anti-nausea med does not help. Will try a new one next time. Hair started coming out the day after chemo. Just falling out in the shower. My MIL came over to see if it was just thinning or what, and all you had to do is run your fingers through it and it would come out. So we shaved it. Had fun playing with a mohawk and such first. It didn't look as bad as I thought, really makes my eyes stand out. Of course, still having my eyebrows and lashes (for now) probably helps, lol.

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