Tuesday, March 28, 2017

So long ovaries, goodbye uterus

Today I went to the doctor to have blood work done. The main reason was to see if my hormone levels had decreased (from the shot I got 3 weeks ago) so that I can start taking the chemo pill (that you have to be post-menopausal for). Well my blood work wasn't back yet when I saw the doc but due to Aunt Flo still visiting, he figures they aren't lowering much and we should go ahead a do a hysterectomy so that we can start treating the cancer. Tomorrow I will go meet with the gynecological oncologist to discuss scheduling it. While I had always wanted Brink to have a brother, we knew it would be dangerous for me to get pregnant again (you may remember I ended up in ICU with a heart condition after having Brink), so I'm not super upset about that. I always wanted to adopt, but we had a bad experience with that and now I'm not sure since we don't know how long I'll be around. I enjoyed being an 'only' child for the most part, so maybe Brink won't mind it either. I'm in a little bit of a better mood today, but still kind of gloomy. Was looking stuff up about the Ibrance that I'll be taking. Seeing in black and white the average survival times is jarring....they rave about Ibrance basically doubling the survival rate from 10 months to 20. TWENTY MONTHS. If I see Brink turn 5, I will have outlived the average survival rate, even with this new awesome medicine. There are people who have lived 10+ YEARS though, so that's what I'm shooting for. I want to fight about homework, and argue with a cranky teenager about his hair, and freak out about him driving. Let's get my insides out so we can start killing this cancer. I'm ready, bring it on.


Unknown said...

Damn! But.....go Jenn go....I appreciate your candor.....prayers continue......

Anonymous said...

I wasn't aware it had come back. Praying for you.

Unknown said...

Jenn - Being off social media and a few hundreds of miles away, I am only just catching up on your fight. I am devastated for you and Cody and Brinks but so awed at your strength and courage and unwavering hope. You have been a light for me for so many years (how has it been 17 years!?). I can't hug you or hold your hand or drive around with the windows down and the sunroof open, Florida is too far. But I am doing all those things in my head and look forward to doing them with you IRL soon. You're amazing. XOXO

Don't be shy (or...be shy ;) ) call me if you want too.

Just Jenn said...

Love you Jess D. For 17 years at least! :)

Sam Ncube said...

Hi Jenn. Jess D shared your blog with me. I have spent the last hour trying trying to read through the tears. I am so touched and saddened - There are no words. I am praying for you and will continue to do so. Despite the circumstances I see great strength and hope in you, and I truly pray that God will bless you and reward you for that. I know this is all strange coming from a stranger but if I can ever do anything at all to help please ask: samncube@me.com. You have amazing friends and I can see through the comments alone how loved you are! You truly are amazing!

Sam x

Just Jenn said...

I am very loved. Most of the comments to these are on my facebook page too so this is just a small sample of the people I am blessed to have in my life. Thank you for your kind words.