Monday, November 17, 2008

Cancerversary #1

Went to work as usual on November 7. The hospital people said it takes a few days to get biopsy results back, so I figured I wouldn't know anything until Monday or Tuesday. In an attempt to be normal, I decide I want to go out karyoke-ing tonight. Cody agrees, we talk whoever we can into going, and the plan is set. I get home from work and we start getting ready, but really it's way too early, so I take it slow and have a beer. My phone rings. It's Dr. Purohit....from her cell phone. I know what she's going to say, but my heart stops anyway. It's cancer. Ductal carcinoma. Won't know if it's spread until I get an MRI. Will schedule my MRI and oncologist appointments on Monday. Call her if I need anything. I hung up, looked at Cody, and started bawling. Really and truly I only cried for like 2 minutes. I guess on some level I already knew, and also know that if it hasn't spread, it will be manageable. Cody and I make some phone calls to let everyone know. Then we finish getting ready, go out to eat, then go karyoke till 2 in the morning.

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