Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's Not a Tumah

I go in for my ultrasound at Dr. Purohit's office, only she is not the one who gives them. So now I have some guy squeezing cold jelly on my breasts in a dark room (it's okay, he's a professional....I think). After doing the ultrasound and making 'Hmmmm' noises for a while, he announces that the lump appears to be a hematoma. A hematoma (her-matoma?) is a blood filled vesicle that happens after injury. He asked if I played any contact sports, and I said does sex count? Apparently it did, so rough sex or perhaps my ridiculous clumsiness caused an injury to my boob that I was not aware of. It's definitely not cancer, says the guy (doctor? tech? I do not know). Big sigh of relief. My gyno, Dr. Purohit, says okay, but I still want you to have a mammogram, just to be on the safe side. Great, I've heard those are so pleasant. :P

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